Curriculum VitaeCONTACT INFORMATIONNameAddressCity, State, CountryTelephoneCell PhoneEmailPERSONAL INFORMATION (depending on country)Date of BirthPlace of BirthCitizenshipVisa StatusGenderEMPLOYMENT HISTORYList in reverse chronological order (most recent experiences first), include position details and dates.Work HistoryAcademic PositionsFellowshipsInternshipsResearch and TrainingEDUCATIONList in reverse chronological order and include dates, majors, and details of degrees for each institution attended, training and other ecational programs.Post-Doctoral TrainingGraate School or ProgramUniversityHigh School (if no university ecation)PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONSInclude your certifications and accreditations, as well as the skills you have that are most relevant to the position for which you're applying.Certifications and AccreditationsComputer SkillsLanguage SkillsOther SkillsUse this list of skills for examples of what to include.AWARDSPUBLICATIONSBOOKSPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSINTERESTS本回答被网友采纳