尼大学与麦考瑞大学会计专业的比较 由于我一开始申请的两所大学是sydney和mq,对这两所学校的会计学有一定的了解,在此把经验与大家分享:首先,这两所学校作为比较知名的大学,肯定是各位有志于攻读会计的同学的首选,因此申请的人非常多(我也是其中之一,两所学校都录取了,我最后选了mq),所以两者的共同点是学会计的大多数是中国人,幻想着想要过来与foreigner一起同堂学习的朋友恐怕要失望了,不过练习英语可以靠在打工接触社会方面弥补,大家也不用过于担心了,毕竟如果想要提高英语水平机会还是很多的,关键是你自己够不够主动.下面就说一下两者的区别吧.最明显的不同就是入读时间.syd是1.5年的,而mq是2.5年的.在mq前1.5年读完研究生课程,后1年是用来考澳洲cpa的,这时候学校后开设课程帮助你参加考试.而且由于mq和cpa建立了相关机制,所以在mq考cpa评分是学校占60%,而cpa机构占40%.所以如果你在平时认真学习通过学校开设的课程后,通过cpa应该并不困难的.另外读了这个专业以后如果还考英国的ACCA的话还可以免试Level 1和Level 2的部分,直接进入Level 3了,爽吧.当然,syd的专业应该也有这样的待遇.此外,syd读完1.5后取得硕士学位,而mq仅发给你文凭,只有在你2.5后通过cpa的6门考试中的5门后才能取得学位,另外一门考试是你毕业后自己去考的.所以这其中有一定风险,当然高风险就可能获得高收益,如果你顺利通过所有考试的话拿到的就是硕士学位加cpa证书了,相信这对你今后的职场发展非常有利.最后有必要说一下移民的问题.有意向移民澳洲的朋友恭喜了,现在最新的政策是读完16个月的研究生课程(1.5年)就可以申请移民,而不是之前的两年.所以在mq的同学就有可能在读cpa时就拿到绿卡了.而且据说mq的这个专业在移民局有专门的绿色通道,批准的成功率很高,速度也很快,两个星期就可以搞定了,爽吧,哈哈好了,就说到这儿,希望对你的决定有所帮助!申请签证--公证文件 在申请学校后如果拿到录取通知就可以申请签证了,申请材料的一个重要部分是公证文件,主要包括:(1) 出生公证(2) 无犯罪记录公证--到当地派出所办理无犯罪证明后进行公证(3) 户口公证--每一页的复印件都需要公证(4) 学历学位公证(5) 成绩单公证(6) 父母工作职位和收入公证(7) 工作经历公证(如果已经工作了的话)此外,一些原件不需要公证,但要提供给学校,包括雅思成绩单,银行存款证明原件.银行存款证明是作为资金担保,一般一年需要20万左右.需要有一年以上的存期,也就是说在你申请的前一年就需要存入银行.在申请期间这些存款会被冻结,但一旦申请成功赴澳后就可以解冻了.我为了安全和方便起见,把这些原件也一并做了公证.总之,公证做的越详细,就对签证越有利.希望大家早日获签. 签证信 我收到的签证信样本:The Adelaide Offshore Student Processing Centre's preferred method of communication is via e-mailto offshore.student.processing.adelaide@immi.gov.auIN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE:File Reference: ×××××Request ID: ×××××Case Officer: Mark CanaleHao Yang25/398 Pitt StreetSYDNEY NSW 2000Date: 27 September 2005Primary Applicant: Hao YangApplication Type: Student Visa TU 573Dear Hao YangI refer to this application for a Student visa received on 11th August 2005.I am pleased to advise that the student visa/s were granted on to:Hao Yang (23/10/1982)I am pleased to advise that the applicant has been granted a student visa, which allows study towards a 573Course. This visa is called a subclass 573 Higher ecation sector student visa. If the applicant wishes to study towards a course in a different ecation sector or with a different ecation provider they should refer to the Department's website for advice (www.immi.gov.au).Details for Applicant:Period of stayYour visa is valid until 30/09/2008.Your visa allows multiple entry to Australia. This means you can leave Australia and re-enter as many times you like, subject to your visa conditions, while the visa is in effect. Please note that if you have to depart Australia ring the course for compelling or compassionate reasons, you will need to notify the Department before doing so. If you finishes your course and wish to know whether you can leave Australia and re-enter you should refer to the Department's website for advice (www.immi.gov.au).Evidence of the visa/s will be placed in the passport/s of the above applicant/s at our offshore office in one of the following locations:Visa Office, Australian Consulate-GeneralSuite 401, Shanghai Centre1376 Nanjing Xi LuSHANGHAI 200040ORAustralian Embassy, AucklandLevel 7, Price Waterhouse-Coopers Towers186-194 Quay StreetAUCKLANDNew ZealandYou may only stay in Australia for the period of your visa. Any further stay in Australia will only bepermitted if another visa is granted. You may be eligible to apply for a further visa via the Internet. If you wish to make an application for a further visa please go to www.immi.gov.au to check whether you are eligible to apply online.Visa conditionsYour visa has been granted subject to a number of conditions.If you have a visa label in your passport, you will find several four-digit numbers on your visa label (eg 8202). Each of these numbers represents a visa condition.Sometimes, e to space limitations, not all applicable visa condition numbers are printed on the visa label. However, a full list of your visa conditions is attached to this letter. You should retain this letter and refer to this list if there is any doubt as to the number and type of conditions attached to your visa. If you do not have a visa label in your passport (because you applied over the Internet), you may check your visa conditions by referring to the list of your visa conditions attached to this letter, or by checking your visa status at the Online Services (eVisas) section of the Department's website (www.immi.gov.au).It is very important that you abide by your visa conditions. If you fail to abide by any of your visaconditions, your visa may be cancelled and you may be required to leave Australia.If your visa is subject to condition 8534 or 8535, you may only apply for certain types of visas while you remain in Australia.Financial capacityYou have been granted a visa on the basis that you have the financial capacity to cover your course and living expenses for the ration of your stay. Please ensure that you have access to enoug money to cover these expenses. The Australian Government is not able to provide you with assistance should you encounter financial difficulties. For further information on the cost of living in Australia see the Study in Australia website (www.studyinaustralia.gov.au).Cultural or other difficultiesIf you find yourself experiencing any cultural or financial difficulties while in Australia, please seekadvice from your ecational institution or your country's Embassy or Consulate.You should ensure that you do not become involved in activities that are contrary to Australian law as there are serious penalties if you do. If you become aware of any illegal activities you should report this to the police.Further informationIf you have any queries regarding your visa, you may find the answers you seek on the Department's website (www.immi.gov.au). Alternatively, you may call 131 881 from anywhere in Australia.The visa conditions attached to your visa are:NO WORK - 8101You must not engage in work in Australia. "Work" means an activity that, in Australia, normally attracts remuneration.Condition - 8202If the visa holder is the holder of a subclass 576 (AusAID or Defence sector) visa, they must beenrolled in a full-time course of study or training.If the visa holder is not the holder of a subclass 576 (AusAID or Defence sector) visa, they must:- remain enrolled in a full-time registered course (unless they are a secondary exchange student who holds a subclass 571 (Schools sector) visa, in which case they must be enrolled in a full-time course of study or training);- attend at least 80% of the contact hours scheled for each term and semester of their course (or if their course is shorter than a semester, for the ration of their course) if their ecation provider keeps attendance records;- have a satisfactory academic result for each term or semester (or if their course is shorter than a semester, for the ration of their course).Note: A registered course is one that is on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Go to http://cricos.dest.gov.au for a list of registered courses and ecation providers.Condition - 8206The visa holder must remain with the ecation provider with which they originally enrolled for the first 12 months of the course, or for the ration of the course if the course is less than 12 months long. If they have been granted a visa to undertake two or more registered courses,they must remain with the ecation provider(s) with which they originally enrolled for the ration of each preliminary course plus the first 12 months of the principal course (i.e. the course that may be taken only after the completion of another of the courses), or for the total ration of all their courses if the principal course is for less than 12 months.Condition - 8501The visa holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance ring their stay inAustralia.Condition - 8516The visa holder must continue to satisfy the criteria for grant of their visa.Condition - 8517The visa holder must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for their school-age dependantswho join them in Australia on a student dependant visa for more than 3 months.Condition - 8532If the visa holder:1) has not turned 18; AND2) is not an AusAID student or a Defence student; AND3) is not staying in Australia with:a) a parent;b) a person who has custody of them; orc) a relative who has been nominated by their parent or a person who has custody of them, is aged atleast 21 and is of good character;they must maintain accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements that have beenapproved by their ecation provider.Note: The visa holder must not change those arrangements without the written approval of their ecation provider.Condition - 8533The visa holder must notify their ecation provider of their residential address in Australia within days of arriving in Australia.The visa holder must notify their ecation provider of any change in their residential address within 7 days of the change.The visa holder must notify their current ecation provider of a change of ecation provider within 7 days of receiving the electronic Confirmation of Enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment from their new ecation provider.Please also see Condition 8206. Please keep this letter so you may refer to it at a later date.Enjoy your stay in Australia.Yours sincerelyMark CanaleCase OfficerPosition number 3632Adelaide Offshore Student Processing CentreDepartment of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous AffairsE-mail: mark.canale@immi.gov.au澳大利亚大学根本就不好 晕 还去澳大利亚 日 我从莫那时毕业 申请美国 竟然被加拿大的一个2 3 流学校的学生比下来了 我的大学成绩可是专业很靠前的 心理很不平衡 想发展去美国 加拿大吧