姓名:赵纯性别:男职称:副教授学院:艺术学院研究方向:小提琴演奏通信地址:厦门大学白城17-102个人中文简介厦门大学艺术学院小提琴副教授,中国音乐家协会会员,中国高等学校音乐教育学会理事,中国音乐家协会小提琴考级专家评委,福建省音乐家协会会员,中国厦门市小提琴技术委员会副会长,俄罗斯圣彼得堡国家音乐学院访问学者。研究领域:小提琴演奏及教学,弦乐重奏。学术成果:在全国权威及核心刊物上发表专业学术论文多篇(详见论文情况),专著《视唱教程》被厦门大学评为优秀教材。1994年被评为厦门大学优秀中青年骨干教师1996年荣获厦门大学“九州”教学成果奖1996年和2002两度荣获中国高等学校音教会举办的“演唱、演奏”比赛小提琴演奏一等奖论文《论视唱练耳教学观念和教学方法》获第六次全国科研论文一等奖1999年应邀赴菲律宾国担任ST交响乐团首席小提琴2000年执教的四名厦门大学音乐系学生在福建省“第九届音乐舞蹈节”小提琴演奏比赛中荣获金奖一名、银奖一名、铜奖二名2001年福建省电视台拍摄的小提琴教学成果专题片播出2002年被组委会聘为“第四届柴可夫斯基国际青少年音乐比赛”小提琴专家评论员2005年厦门卫视拍摄的专题片《琴弦上的人生》播出本人业绩及艺术传略被收入《中国音乐家名录》、《中国专家大辞典》、《福建省文艺家辞典》等个人英文简介Associate professor of Art College of Xiamen University; Membership of Chinese Musicians’ Association; Member, Council of Musical Ecation of the Institutes of Higher Learning of China; Expert Referee Committee for Violin Skill Tests of China Musicians’ Association; Vice Director of China Xiamen Violin Technique Committee.From 1986, I have been engaged in violin teaching for twenty years. Throughout the years, I’ve consistently combined playing with teaching, giving recitals and making efforts to improve my knowledge of musical theory. From 1991 to 1995, I studied in a master’s program in musicology at the Art College of Xiamen University. From August 2004 to October 2005, I pursued further violin music studies at the National St. Petersburg Music Institute in Russia as a government-sponsored scholar under the tutelage of an eminent Russian violin performing artist of Prof.V.Ovcharek.I’ve long been engaged in the research of classical western violin music works, and devoted to the study of Chinese violin works, with several papers published. At present, I’m engaged in the research project tiled “An Investigation of China’s Different Schools of Violin”. At the same time, I’m devoted to the research of violin teaching. I’ve published a few papers in this area and won a number of awards for teaching achievements. Publications:Monograph Sightsinging Tutorial was published by Xiamen University Press in February 1996 with a grant from Xiamen University Nanqiang Foundation, and subsequently rated as an outstanding textbook of Xiamen University. Papers: ‘The Nationalism in the Violin Music Composition of Li Zili’, Journal of Music Research, No. 4, 2003, p46-52‘Teaching Concepts and Methodology for Sightsinging Ear Training’, Journal of Xiamen University (Arts and Social Science), 2001;‘On the Teaching of Scientific Violin Practicing’, Journal of Musical Theory and Teaching Research, No. 8, 2001;‘Thinking Chinese Style in Playing Violin Composition’, Journal of Chinese Music No. 4, 1997;‘On the Techniques of Right-hand Bowing in Violin Teaching’, Collection of Social Science Papers of Jimei University, No. 1, 1997‘A Few Thoughts on Violin Teaching for Alts’, Musical Instrument, No. 4, 1997;‘Analysis of Sunshine over Dashikuergan, the Pinnacle of Contemporary Chinese Violin Solos’, Fujian Art, No. 5, 1997;‘Bow’s Expression Art and its Development in Violin’, Huangzhong (Journal of Wuhan Music Conservatory) No. 3, 1996;Honors and Rewards:1994 – Honored as an outstanding key young teacher of Xiamen University; 1996 – Received the Jiuzhou Award of Xiamen University for Teaching Achievements;July 1996 – Won the first prize in the Vocal Music, Instrument Music and Dance Competition organized by the China Society for Music Ecation in High-learning Institutions; July 1997 – Paper Teaching Concepts and Methodology for Sightsinging Ear Training wins the first prize for outstanding teaching research paper at the 6th teaching methodology seminar of the China Society for Music Ecation in High-learning Institutions;March 2000 – Included into the China Experts Encyclopedia compiled by the Ministry of Personnel under China’s State Council;February 2001 – Fujian Television Station ran a documentary on my teaching achievements; August 2000 – Four music majors of Xiamen University under my tutelage recaptured a gold award, a silver award and two bronze awards in the Ninth Fujian Music and Dance Festival; May 2002 – My stage photos were printed in the Music/Concert Review written by Singapore’s leading music critic Quek Yong Siu;August 2002 – Won the first prize for violin performance in the Third National Competition of Singing and Performance by Music Teachers from Higher-ecation Institutions; and 2005 – Xiamen Television Station and Xiamen Satellite Television Station broadcast a documentary on my life – “Life on the Strings”. 代表性成果论文发表:(1)中国小提琴学派构想与民族化问题思考,音乐研究,2006年12月(2)《解读李自立小提琴音乐民族化的创作思维》,《音乐研究》,2003年04月(3)《演奏中国风格小提琴音乐作品的思考》,《中国音乐》,1997年12月(4)《论小提琴教学中右手运弓技巧》,《集美大学社会科学论文集》,1997年01月(5)《从巴赫到帕克尼尼时代小提琴音乐中弓的表现艺术及其发展》,武汉音乐学院学报《黄钟》,1996年10月如果发现导师信息存在错误或者偏差,欢迎随时与我们联系,以便进行更新完善。联系方式>>