香港理工大学生物医学工程有两种学习模式供选择香港理工大学生物医学工程专业提供两种学习模式:第一种是修读10门课;另一种是修读7门课和完成一篇毕业论文,就业和深造两种途径任你选择。2设置奖学金专业为选择研究论文的学生提供奖学金,奖学金包括:升读博士奖学金、最佳论文奖。最佳论文奖提供5000到10000港币不等的奖金。3可直接申请博士理工生物医学工程学系每年有若干博士生全奖名额,提供给学业成绩和研究论文表现优秀的BME MSc 毕业生升读本系博士学位,更有优势。课程设置●应用生物信号处理●生物材料与组织工程●临床生物力学●纳米生物技术●康复工程●医疗设备的知识产权,标准和规定●分子与功能成像:从身体系统到分子●健康技术的前沿课题入学资格●已获得工程科学或者相关专业的学士学位●雅思成绩需要6.0及以上/ 托福成绩需在80及以上Programme AimsThe programme aims:(a) to nurture professionals and specialists with professional competence, strategic thinking and lifelong learning capability in the biomedical engineering field;(b) to provide students with the modern engineering knowledge and advanced technology tools necessary for biomedical engineering practice;(c) to enable students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the biomedical engineering field through a high quality ecation.CharacteristicsThe Biomedical Engineering award adopts an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. Students from different disciplines are grouped and guided to work on assigned clinical problems, which ensures that our subjects are clinically relevant and technically practical, foster team spirit and equip graates with the skills necessary to work in multidisciplinary teams.